Saturday, 11 December 2010

conversations in the field

one evening i found myself having a conversation with a grasshopper that was climbing up the side of the cooker while i was cooking (er, if you can call making ramen noodles cooking, i guess). it went a little something like this-

me: (pointing a damning finger at the darn g'hopper) you! go away.
g'hopper: ....
me: i mean it, go away!
g'hopper: (still slowly but surely climbing up the side of the cooker) ....
me: come on now!
g'hopper: ....
me: fine!! don't go away but don't jump in my food!!

i did think i was going a little bit crazy until later that evening i heard my friend talking to a frog.

friend: you, frog! don't go in there!
frog: plop plop plop
friend: no, no, no! get out of there right now! go go go!

i later witnessed the same friend talking to a cat: you idiot monkey, get out of here! 

there's actually sanity in there somewhere.

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