Thursday, 8 October 2009

making cake

it's amazing the shenanigans that you can get into when left to your own devices for entertainment. for example, one trip to somalia, i randomly decided that bringing instant cake (the ones where you add just eggs and water and bake) would be a great idea. this, despite having no oven, no baking dishes, no mixers, and eggs the size of coins. i think i had some random thought that i could just eat the dough (hello salmonella & typhoid!!). so yeah, there i was one day with a box of instant cake, a free afternoon, a friend as bored as i was and this was the result:

the beginning - 
dough made with tiny eggs 
(put in 5 when the instructions said 3)

this is the 'stove'

the dough was put into a pot

which was then covered

and topped off with hot charcoal

and then weighted down
with the top part of the 'stove',
also filled with hot charcoal

resulting in rather burned,



the end result -
crumbly sweet cake which looks 

more like rice than cake,
but we ate it anyways! hey!
beggars can't be choosers!!

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